Tuesday, April 21, 2009
1st target weight : 58 kg
susu anlene 1 glass
roti gerdenia 1 keping
cheese 1 keping
nasi bryani 3/4 (laparnyeee....)
owhhh...tidak, banyak nye calories ini nasi bryani..
kne burn2 gile2 la ptg ni..
tak kira..kne burn balik jgk..kuatkan semangat!!
susu anlene 1 glass
sandwich telur 1 set
nasi ayam 1/2
karipap kentang 1
nasi 1 senduk
ikan singgang
Monday, April 20, 2009
weight before: 61kg
current weight : 59.7kg
1st trget : 58kg
Sunday, April 19, 2009
1st target 58kg
jog 20 mins
susu anlene 1 glass
roti hotdog (hotdog salut telur), tp roti tu buang lapisan atas..
mkn half dulu then lg 2 jam mkn lg half...
nasi ayam 1/2 (nak kurangkan portion)
apple 1/2
nasi ayam1/2 (yg tengahari punya)
mik sikit roti hotdog salut telur yg pg tsd (1/3)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
1- Limit but don't cut out high fat foods
2- Limit high sugar and high glycemic index foods (including fruit): Simple sugars (and many "complex"carbohydrates) get easily converted into fat, and can also be the cause of high cholesterol
3- Eat more frequently.. but why?
-With smaller servings, your stomach will shrink and you will get full faster
- Digesting burns a surprising amount of calories, eat more often and burn more calories
- When you eat a large meal, the body takes what it needs, and saves the excess as, guess what? FAT. Smaller meals prevent this even if you eat the same amount overall.
4-Never eat before bed
5- Eat slowly: It takes your stomach about 20 minutes to signal the brain after it is full. If you eat too fast you will think you are still hungry and eat more
6- Keep some fat in your "nondiet", as it helps get your body into a "fat burning mode" (term good fat )
7- Eat foods that take lots of energy to burn: These include most vegetables (especially the fibrous ones) and protein sources such as meat
8- Take it easy on complex carbohydrates as any excess gets easily converted to fat. This includes rice, pasta, potatoes, and any "starchy foods". Eat these regularly, but not too much at one time
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
baru join forum cari bft fitness club, geng2 sane smua best2 and supportive..
thanks a lot.. pauline, eynda and bim...
sangat2 bersemngat nak start..
masa skolah dulu, esp skola rendah..slalu je bdk laki ejek..
masa tu mmg sgt2 rendah diri..
skola menengah pon sama...gemuk gedempol la, timbang pecah la, mcm2 ejekan yg terpaksa d thn oleh telinga ku yg mndgr..
smpaila skg, myb dh bsr ckt kwn2 dh besar and matang, xdelah ejekan lg..
tp xde ejekan bukanlah bmksud xnak berubah kan..
'jika kau fikirkan kau boleh, kau pasti boleh melakukan' - yaaa... i can do it..
current weight is 61kg
1st target weight : 58kg
2nd target weight :55kg
3rd target weight :52kg
4th target weight :49kg
5th target weight : 45kg
total target weight to lose is 16kg